- Install Zoiper from the App Store
- When you first open the App it may prompt you to Allow the application to make calls. This will be required to allow the application to make calls.
- When you first open the App it may prompt you to Disable power save mode. This will be required for the application to work in the background.
- Click on the Settings button in the lower right hand corner of the application.
- Click on accounts
- Click on + sign at the upper right hand corner
- When prompted click “Yes” to indicate you have an account
- When prompted click “Manual Configuration” for account setup
- Under the SIP option
- Please note all of these fields are case sensitive
- Account name: e.g. ‘‘1000pc’‘
- This is the “Username” setting that Verve sent you
- Host: e.g. ‘‘DOMAIN’‘.mynlv.com
- This is the “Domain/Proxy” setting that Verve sent you
- Username: e.g. ‘‘1000pc’‘
- This is the “Username” setting that Verve sent you
- Password: e.g. ‘‘9Akc9b4w’‘
- This is the “Password” setting that Verve sent you. It is ‘’‘not’‘’ your voicemail PIN
- Account name: e.g. ‘‘1000pc’‘
- Under Advanced Settings
- Authentication user: e.g. ‘‘1000pc’‘
- This is the “Username” setting that Verve sent you
- Enable USE Outbound Proxy
- Outbound Proxy: nms.mynlv.com:5060
- This is a static value and will always be nms.mynlv.com:5060
- Authentication user: e.g. ‘‘1000pc’‘
- Under Additional Settings
- Click on Network Settings
- Use STUN: set this to no
- Click on Network Settings
- Click on Save top right corner
- Click register
- Click on Account on the top left corner
- Click on Settings on the top left corner
- Click on Incoming Calls
- Enable Force background
- Enable Wi-Fi Keep Alive
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.