1. Install Zoiper from the Google Play Store
    1. When you first open the App it may prompt you to Allow the application to make calls. This will be required to allow the application to make calls.
    2. When you first open the App it may prompt you to Disable power save mode. This will be required for the application to work in the background.
  2. Click on the Config button in the upper right hand corner of the application.
  3. Click on accounts
  4. When prompted click “Yes” to indicate you have an account
  5. When prompted click “Manual” for account setup
  6. Click Add account
  7. Choose the SIP option
  8. Enter your credentials as follows. Please note these are all case sensitive
    1. Account name: e.g. 1000pc
      1. This is the “Username” setting that Verve sent you
    2. Host: e.g. DOMAIN.mynlv.com
      1. This is the “Domain/Proxy” setting that Verve sent you
    3. Username: e.g. 1000pc
      1. This is the “Username” setting that Verve sent you
    4. Password: e.g. 9Akc9b4w
      1. This is the “Password” setting that Verve sent you. It is not your voicemail PIN
    5. Authentication user: e.g. 1000pc
      1. This is the “Username” setting that Verve sent you
    6. Outbound Proxy: nms.mynlv.com:5060
      1. This is a static value and will always be nms.mynlv.com:5060
    7. Voicemail Extension: 5001
      1. This is a static value and will always be 5001
  9. Click on Network Settings
  10. Use STUN: set this to no
  11. Save settings

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