A Verve employee will give you the following information which will be needed for the setup:

  • Domain/Proxy: nextlevel.mynlv.com
  • This will depend on the name of your domain (This will be given to you from Verve)
  • Outbound Proxy: nms.mynlv.com:5060
  • This will be the same for every user
  • Username: 8835B
  • This will be the extension used for Bria
  • Typically, this will be a clone extension of your main extension
  • Password: MaJ6E2Jm
  • The password will be provided by Verve
  • The password IS case sensitive
  • This is not your standard voicemail password

1. Open up Bria on your computer, and then you should see the popup window below:

2. Next, click Softphone —> Account Settings

3. You will then see the popup window below:

Fill out all of the options pointed with a red arrow. You will need to know the following information:

  • Account Name – Whatever you’d like to name this account
  • User ID – Username (8835PC)
  • Domain – nextlevel.mynlv.com (provided by Verve)
  • Password – Password
  • Display Name – The name you’d like your extension to appear as
  • Authorization Name – This will be your main extension (8835)
  • Make sure Register with domain and receive calls is checked
  • Send Outbound Via: Proxy and the Address is: nms.mynlv.com:5060

4. Next, go to the Voicemail tab at the top and you will see the window below:

Fill out all of the options pointed with a red arrow. You will need to know the following information:

  • Number to dial for checking voicemail: 5001 (This is universal)
  • Number for sending calls to voicemail: 38835 (This will be 3 and then your main extension number)

5. Next, go to the Topology tab at the top and you will see the window below:

  • Under Firewall Traversal Method — Select: None (use Local IP Address)

6. Lastly, hit the ok button and this will take you back to the main screen to ensure your account is enabled and registered. You will see something like this below:

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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