- Open the app on your iPhone:
- Then on the Settings page tap Accounts:
- In the Accounts section, at the top right tap the + sign
- In the Select Provider section, tap the SIP: VoIP (SIP) – Calling option:
Before filling out the information below, you will need to know the following information:
- Domain/Proxy: nextlevel.mynlv.com
- This will depend on the name of your domain (This will be given to you from Verve)
- Outbound Proxy: nms.mynlv.com:5060
- This will be the same for every user
- Username: 1000B
- This will be the extension used for Bria
- Typically, this will be a clone extension of your main extension
- Password: MaJ6E2Jm
- The password will be provided by Verve
- The password IS case sensitive
- This is not your standard voicemail password
4. With the information listed above, fill out the following:
- Account Name – Your extension/username (1000B)
- Enabled – Leave Unchecked for now
- Display as – The name you’d like your extension to appear as
- Username – Username (1000B)
- Password – Password
- Domain – nextlevel.mynlv.com (provided by Verve)
- VM Number – 5001
5. Next, scroll down and tap Account Advanced
6. Fill out the following:
7. Fill out the following:
- Disregard DNS Servers
8. After finishing the steps above, go back to the SIP Account page on step 4 and turn on Enabled and you should see your extension registered
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.